Friday, October 10, 2014

The Horri-day Blues

(with apologies Messrs. Poe and Moore)

Halloween afternoon was slipping away

The would be tricksters kept sweetly at bay

I was a bit disappointed perhaps even mad

Garbed were my callers in the latest fad

Oh to the days when spirits did stalk

And ghouls and goblins did fill up my walk

Farewell I bid to those days of yore

Today they are all bought in a store

A river of costumes flowed past my shore

it was time to withdraw from my or treat chore

and sit in a chair with an old book of lore

As this I pondered perhaps even napping

There came the sound of a small hand tapping

A tiny rapping I could not ignore

but to quote the Raven, nevermore

when this last caller retreats from my door

But what to my wondering eyes did appear

There, shrouded in darkness a creature of fear

He stood just before me in all of his glory

A home made costume and all of it gory

His face was a fright so expertly painted

A less stout heart would surely have fainted

His head was encircled by a dark felt cowl

I was expecting a scream or even a howl

He seemed a bit nervous, shuffling his feet

perhaps drawing courage to ask for his treat

Thru plastic fangs he drooled Frik Hor Freet

I held in my laughter with all of my might

My body was shaking seeming from fright

My heart was a flutter my chest in full heave

His parents glanced back upon taking leave

Some people I cried  ...  They do believe !